The Catenians (Swanage)
An international brotherhood of Catholic men who value Faith, Family and Friendship. They meet socially at least once a month and their gatherings through the year regularly involve wives, children and families. They support each other offering access to a Benevolent Fund if required, care for widows of deceased members and grant bursaries to young Catholics who wish to help others. The Association is active in promoting Vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
In 1908, Bishop Casartelli of Salford urged lay men in the inward-looking catholic community of those days to “go forth and play their role” – to put themselves forward and give service on city and borough councils, and on the boards of hospitals, schools, libraries and the like. A group of Catholic men in Manchester came together to form a group with links to other large towns. These links gave rise to the concept of a chain of circles. The Latin for chain is catena so we became the Catenian Association.
Today we have around 300 circles primarily in Great Britain but also in Australia, Ireland, Malta, India, Bangladesh, South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Holy Land.
A number of men from The Holy Spirit and St Edward parish are members of the Circle based in Poole, which meets on the first Wednesday of the month and organises social activities during the year involving our wives and families. We offer each other friendship and support especially in the work we do as school governors, local councillors or other activities where we aim to bring a Catholic viewpoint to the community.
More information can be obtained from a local member of the Catenian Association.
Catenian Association website: