Parish Priest: Fr Tim Lewis
The Presbytery; 1 Victoria Avenue; Swanage BH19 1AH
Tel: 01929 422491 / 07581068555
Parish Council
Fr Tim Lewis
Angela Gray (Chair)
Mackay (Minutes Secretary)
Carol Donaghy
Donna Eite
Jim Wetherall
Bernard White
Jane Cooke
Karen Buckett
Andrea McGowan
Richard McCoyd
Ann Ross-Skinner
Karen Cheeseman
Sally Weld
Kevin Doyle
To see minutes of latest Parish Council meeting click here
Parish Finance Committee
This committee assists the Parish Priest who is responsible for the administration of the ‘goods’ of the Parish.
The committee meets regularly to discuss parish income and expenditure, and offer support and advice to the Parish Priest.
The Finance Committee is currently made up of the following Parishioners:
Fr Tim Lewis
Karen Buckett (Treasurer)
Hugh Sheldon (Gift Aid Organiser)
Jim McGivern
Richard Teather
To see minutes of latest Finance Committee meeting click here
Parish Evangelisation Team
Every Parishioner is a member of this team because part of every Christian’s vocation
is to evangelise i.e. to proclaim the Good News to all we meet.
The team has the dual remit of strengthening our Parish community and promoting evangelisation.
Team meetings are held regularly with the agenda coming from the community and are open to everyone.
Newsletter Editor
Items for inclusion to the newsletter should be submitted to
Fr Tim before noon on Wednesday prior to the next edition
Parish Safeguarding
Position vacant
Health and Safety
St Joseph’s: Jim Wetherill
St Edward’s: Bob Baxter
Press Officer
David Willey
Planned Giving
Last financial year the parish reclaimed in
excess of £4000 from the tax man at no extra
cost to the parishioners.
Planned giving coordinator: Hugh Sheldon
Lettings Officer
Hire of church for concerts
St Joseph’s: Christopher Donaghy
To find out about other organisations within the parish, click here.
St Mary’s & St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Folly Lane
BH20 6DS
Headteacher: Mrs Gerardine Christopher
Tel: 01929 462565
Fax: 01929 462471
E-mail: office@stmaryjosephswool.dorset.sch.uk
Website: www.stmaryjosephswool.dorset.sch.uk
Colin Clare