Harvest Fast Day October 2022
Thanks from Jenny Hayward-Jones, Parish Fundraising Team, CAFOD:
Dear Bernard
Thank you for everything you are doing in your parish to raise vital funds for our Family Fast Day appeal.
Last week, I shared with you the BBC news story about the terrible impact of the drought in Somalia. Today, we have an update about our work with a community facing the food crisis in a region in southern Ethiopia, near the borders with South Sudan and Kenya.
Thanks to the support of parishes like yours, our partners are now distributing cash to 700 vulnerable pastoralist households in this community so they can buy healthy food from local markets for themselves. The priority is supporting people with chronic illness, breastfeeding mothers, children under 5 and elderly people – to buy maize flour, cooking oil, vegetables and other essential food supplies.
The prolonged drought in the region has caused the death of livestock and major food shortages for families in the community who depended on milk from their cattle as the main source of food for their children. Then the arrival of the rainy season brought flooding which forced about 36,000 people in the region – pastoralists already affected by the drought – to move. The flooding covered lands that had been used for farming and grazing and destroyed schools, clinics, water supply projects and veterinary centres. People lost their homes, belongings, sources of food and income.
The community is determined to start producing their own food again and restoring their livelihoods. Please do thank your parishioners for their generous donations this Family Fast Day, which will enable communities like this one in Ethiopia and others affected by the food crisis right now.
And as Jesus invites us in the Gospel this Sunday, let us “pray continually and never lose heart.” Luke 18:1-8
Many blessings
Jenny Hayward-Jones
Parish Fundraising Team
CAFOD Walk Against Hunger – Our Lenten 2022 Activity
For the parish Lenten Activity this year the CAFOD group are Walking Agains Hunger to raise money for CAFOD to combat malnutrition amongst the poorest and most vulnerable people in the world.
At least 5 of us will be aiming to walk 200 km during Lent. We have chosen to organise walks of about 4-5 km twice a week. The cumulative total will be added each week to the parish total with the target being the 200 km. Walks will not always be as long as 4-5 km and the intention is to keep them as easy and as flat as possible in the hope that you will join in and to encourage a sense of community and camaraderie and for the group activity to be fun. We are perfectly happy for the five of us to walk together each Tuesday and Thursday at 2 pm, but would really like it if you could join us. A different walk will be chosen each week.
CAFOD tells us that there are 200 million children in the world whose lives are at risk from malnutrition.
Please contact one of us if you would like to join any of our walks. We look forward to having you with us.
Contact: Carol Donaghy on 01305 852317 or Angela Gray on 01929 552885.
If you have been unable to join us on these walks, we would be really happy if you could sponsor us or donate to Walk Against Hunger on https://walk.cafod.org.uk/fundraising/Bernard-whites-walk-against-hunger
Completed Walks (directions obviously compiled before walk)
There has been a great turn out for our walks and we have covered over 800 km so far.
The first walk Against Hunger – Thursday 3rd March at 2 pm. We will be walking from Lime Kiln which is before Chaldon Herring on the left hand side (if you are travelling from Winfrith Newburgh). We will walk along the valley and then back again. There is a car park available for approximately 6 cars. We very much hope that, if you are not walking with us you will be able to give us a donation towards Walking Against Hunger. We will either collect your donations at the end of Lent or you can give directly to CAFOD by donating on our Just Giving page at:

Walk 1 – Hungry Walkers contribute 48 k towards their 200 in the Walk Against Hunger
The second Walk Against Hunger – Tuesday 8th March at 2pm. This walk is along the seafront in Weymouth. Please park in the Overcombe car park (Preston end of Weymouth). There is free 1 hour parking on the road but it is probably better to pay to park for 2 hours – £ 1.50.

Walk 2 – Another happy group complete 32k in the Walk Against Hunger along the sea front from Overcombe to Greenhill
Eleven walkers completed about 32k (towards the 200k target), and our Italian contingent (Tessa and Ennio) completed a remote 12k.
The third Walk Against Hunger – Thursday 10th March at 2pm. This walk will follow the Jubilee Trail from Came House (Winterbourne Came) along the valley. From Wool you need to drive through Broadmayne and Whitcombe and then look for a gatehouse on the left (white posts). Take this road with the gatehouse on your right until you come to a left turn. There is parking at this junction it sounds odd but you park in the triangle in the middle of the road,

Walk 3 – Enjoying cake and coffee after an invigorating walk
The fourth Walk Against Hunger – Tuesday 15th March at 2pm walking from Moreton Walled Garden Car Park (DT2 8RH), following the path from the cemetery where Lawrence of Arabia is buried, across the bridge at the ford and onwards. This is a fairly flat walk.

The water is wide – but we can cross o’er
Now this is the way to finish a walk
The fifth Walk Against Hunger – Thursday 17th March at 2pm met east end of Main Street,Broadmayne. Walk eastwrds away from the village and turn left, walking along the lane towards Fryermayne and Fryermayne Dairy and on towards the cress farm. Nice walk – shame about the mud!

Here are the happy fifth walk ramblers (minus one) back in the garden
Walk No. 6 – Tuesday 22nd at 2pm Hethfelton Wood. From Dorchester direction go across the level crossing at Wool then take the second turning on the roundabout continuing towards Wareham for 0.6 miles. There is a small parking area on the left.

Lovely walk, lovely weather, lovely people – perfick!
Walk No.7 On Thursday 24th at 2pm Lodmoor Nature Reserve, Weymouth. Park in the Overcombe car park (£1.50) for two hours. We will then walk inland and around the Nature Reserve. Bring binoculars if you want to see the variety of birds.

Ivy and six of our eleven walkers stop at a viewpoint during our walk around the reserve
We enjoyed communing with nature during an invigorating walk around this local beauty spot.
Walk No.8 On Tuesday 29th March at 2pm Walk eastwards from The Riviera, Bowlease Cove, Weymouth. Park in the street – Bowlease Coveway. Meet opposite the drive into The Riviera (the very large hotel at the eastern end of Weymouth Bay i.e. looking out to sea, on the left.) This walk has hills.

We stopped en route to take this snap. (Bernard took the low road)
Some of our “regulars” could not make this walk so a small but select band of five tackled the hilly coastal path to the North East of Weymouth. Our customary cake and coffee was enhanced by the generosity of the Lantern Trust who allowed uis to use a table in their grounds.
Walk No.9 On Thurssday 31 March at 2pm. From Angela Gray’s house we walked the Wareham Walls. Then back to Angela’s for coffee/tea (and cake!)
Walk No.10 On Tuesday 5th April at 2pm. From Tess and Kath’s house, near Church of Holy Rood, Wool. Walk Quarr Hill, Woodstreet, Colewood and follow Hardy’s Way back. Unfortunately, your scribe got the dates wrong and ended up in Weymouth rather than Wareham! He was therefore unable to take any photos of the walk. By all accounts this was an adventurous event, the latter part of which was carried out “off piste” and involved returning home via somewhat dubious routes. Our adventurers eventually arrived back to welcoming hot drinks and refreshments.
Walk No.11 On Thursday 7th April at 2pm. Repeat the favourite walk along the seafront in Weymouth. Park in Overcombe Corner car park. Walk along the sea wall. This is a great walk as there are toilets at the beginning of the walk and frequent seats for those who would only walk a short way and then sit and enjoy the view. A record number of attendees (not all shown in the photograph) enjoyed a bracing walk along the Weymouth front. The extent of the “bracingness” can be seen by looking at Liz and Gina’s hair in the photo!
Walk No.12 On Tuesday 12th April at 2pm was a walk around Broadmayne. From Colin and Eileen’s house, Old Brickfields, Broadmayne, we walked down to the water spash where we paused for a photo on the bridge (kindly taken by a passing phoptography student we encountered at the spot).

Anyone for a dip?……….

….ah yes … Ivy!
We continued on to the water cress farm and then along the Jubilee Trail and into the bluebell wood.

Well, we promised you bluebells and we got some – but not quite in the profusion that we were hoping for.
Then back though the woods to West Knighton and then on to Eileen and Colin’s house for some end-of-walks cakes and tea/coffee.

A big thank you to all who went on these walks or contributed to Walks Against Hunger (including those not shown in this picture).
If you were unable to join us on these walks, we would be really happy if you could sponsor us or donate to Walk Against Hunger on https://walk.cafod.org.uk/fundraising/Bernard-whites-walk-against-hunger
If you have any problems, please phone Carol on 01305 852317 or Angela on 01929 552885.
CAFOD Advent Prayer Pilgrimage
The aim and ambition of the CAFOD Advent Prayer Pilgrimage is to be a family that prays
together so it can stay together AND shows it is a family that cares for its community and
the earth.
Introduction to CAFOD Advent Prayer Pilgrimage
Route through CAFOD Advent Prayer Pilgrimage
** CAFOD’s Coronavirus Appeal **
CAFOD is asking our parish communities to come together in person or virtually and respond in faith with one another to tackle this unprecedented modern emergency – Covid 19.
Simon Giarchi, who leads the Plymouth diocese Plymouth office, has written to us:
“You all are truly inspirational and highly contagious in your hope, compassion and love! – Go for it! 😊 Together with our amazing parish communities we can and will make a massive difference and help, in a very practical and tangible way, save lives, livelihoods and begin to get stuck into this most urgent fightback against Covid 19. All my love to you all and the biggest thanks for all of your inspirational support and hard work for our sisters and brothers.”
- Click here to read more about why CAFOD is making the appeal;
- Click here to read how you can help;
- Click here if you can join or support our Parish walk.
Click here to chart our progress
Support Purbeck Parishes CAFOD Coronavirus Appeal
<< Click here to see pictures of the pilgrimage
Please take a look at these three videos about CAFOD’s work in Sierra Leone which illustrate the particular problems faced by our brothers and sisters in the poorest countries and what CAFOD is doing to help:
Coronavirus threatens Sierra Leon
CAFOD responds to coronavirus in Sierra Leone
CAFOD supporters keep hope alive in Sierra Leone